Black Sunbird
Black Sunbird is a local company inspired by Mandy Morton’s life-long love affair with nature. Her company is motivated by the beauty of natural spaces and wildlife and creating functional art that will bring this magic into your urban lifestyle. Black Sunbird has created an exquisite range of homeware and gifts that are inspired by our indigenous fauna and flora.
Black Sunbird products are designed and manufactured locally using various techniques such as laser cutting and screen printing, out of a wide range of materials ranging from galvanized steel to 100% cotton. In amongst our urban sprawl, Black Sunbird’s vision is inspire your ordinary everyday living with in a way that enhances your spiritual, emotional and psychological wellbeing. The simple magic of beautiful things in your space. That’s what the name Black Sunbird is about: the Black or Amethyst Sunbird transforms any space, no matter how dull, into something beautiful by just being there.